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Masina de tocat carne Star Top - 114 P22

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Masina profesionala de tocat carne Top 114, este construta integral din inox, gura detasabila, moto-reductorul este scufundat in ulei; are protectie termica la motor; are protectie la maine fata de lamelele taietoare; toaca toate tipurile de carne; grupul taietor este din inox in 3 variante: UNGER-2/UNGER-3/UNGER-5.

Variantele P-22 si SSTAR-32, au aceleeasi caracteristici cu deosebirea ca sunt dotate cu grupul taietor din aluminiu, la cerere acestea pot fi si din inox.

Professional Mincing Machine TOP 114 is build entirely of stainless steel, removable mouth, moto-reducer is submerged in oil; the motor has thermal protection; Tomorrow is protection against shear blades; Chop all the meat; Stainless steel cutter group is in 3 versions: UNGER-2 / UNGER-3 / UNGER-5.

P-22 variants and SSTAR-32, aceleeasi features except that they are equipped with aluminum cutter on request they can be and stainless steel.
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